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Chia Seeds


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Bulk Up on Goodness with Refillability’s Loose Chia Seeds!

Looking for a way to add a nutritional powerhouse to your diet while reducing your environmental footprint? Look no further than Refillability’s loose chia seeds! These tiny superfoods are packed with a punch, and we offer them in a variety of ways to suit your needs and lifestyle.

Embrace Eco-Friendly Shopping:

Fill Your Own Containers: Refillability champions reusability! Bring your own containers in-store and fill them up with the exact amount of chia seeds you need. This not only reduces packaging waste, but also allows you to control portion sizes and minimise food waste at home.
Loose Local Delivery: For those who love the convenience of home delivery, we offer loose chia seeds as part of our local delivery options. Top up your pantry without unnecessary packaging, making a positive impact with every order.

Flexibility for Online Purchases & Click and Collect:

While we encourage in-store refills and local loose deliveries, we understand that sometimes online shopping is more convenient. That’s why we offer loose chia seeds packaged in recycled paper bags for online purchases and Click and Collect. You can still enjoy the benefits of buying only what you need while minimising packaging waste.

Never Forget Your Superfood Fix:

Life can get hectic, and sometimes remembering your reusable containers might slip your mind. No worries! We’re always stocked with chia seeds in-store, so you can grab a bag on the go and get your daily dose of goodness.

Chia Seeds: A Nutritional Powerhouse:

Chia seeds are more than just an eco-friendly choice. These tiny black specks are brimming with essential nutrients, making them a fantastic addition to any diet. They’re a rich source of fibre, which can aid digestion and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Additionally, chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, essential for heart health and brain function. They also boast a good amount of protein, making them a great option for vegetarians and vegans alike.

Endless Culinary Versatility:

The beauty of chia seeds lies in their versatility. Sprinkle them over your morning yoghurt or smoothie for a satisfying crunch and a nutrient boost. They readily absorb liquids, making them ideal for puddings and overnight oats. For a delightful textural contrast, add them to your baked goods like muffins, breads, or cookies.

Refill, Reduce, and Replenish with Refillability!

By choosing Refillability’s loose chia seeds, you’re not just nourishing your body; you’re nourishing the planet. Reduce waste, stock up on superfoods, and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle – all with a container of Refillability’s chia seeds!


50g, 100g, 150g, 200g, 350g, 300g




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